

about me - something about me that I can share


about me [-m --my name] [-w --weight] [-h --height] [-s --skin type] [-a --what I like --mostly about music]


About Me is a page that describe some of my features to help you imagine who you're talking to. But for obvious reason some of this is fake.


[-m --my name]

remisaurus. I've been using this name for a long time, last name was ramisarus but updated name sound so much better.

[-w --weight]

85Kg. It's been a long time since I weight myself, the last time maybe around last year. I think I have lost some of my weight this year.

[-h --height]

178cm. This is my accurate height since it's not like my height is going to be higher by this age.

[-s --skin type]

Lizard skin. I have lizard skin but I still look more human then the rest of you, freaking humanoid.

[-a --what I like]

I do like a lot of things. I wasted most of my youth on games, movies, animes, cartoons and all sort of entertaiments. Don't get me wrong I still wasted my time right now but maybe in the right ways ?



I listen to all kind/genre of music but lately I've been into K-Pop.

-tv shows

Normal stuff they show on Netflix, yes I still use Netflix since my wife pay for it.


This year I decided to read more books, my current read is Big Data - Brian Clegg and Atomic Habits - James Clear.


I use to spend all my time on games, my Monster Hunter World playtime is 1600hrs and I still play other games. But since last year, I try to spend my time more in learning about tech related stuff such as linux, programming language and web development. I'm not saying that I'm good at it, I just want to use my brain for something useful at my age right now. I still play games thought but not all days everyday like I used to.


Written by me, remisaurus.



You can contact me at:

Maybe we can even be friend.